USA Colgems Singles

Daydream Believer/
Goin' Down


Released In October 1967
Highest Chart Position:
Billboard: 1/104
Cash Box: 1/--
Record World: 1/--

RIAA Certification:
Gold: October 1967


November 11, 1967
Record World Ad


Sheet Music


Picture Sleeves:

A-side thumb tab


B-side thumb tab




All Known Picture Sleeve Variations



Matrix Codes: UZKM - 5438/ 7315

On later pressings this credit was added to the label:

"Arranged and Conducted by
Shorty Rogers"

This has also been found on
later Japanese & German copies.

Allied Records Pressing Plant
Hollywood, CA

Type 1 Label on polystyrene

Due to the extremely high demand for the Monkees records
RCA subcontracted with Allied for additional pressings.
They used the same labels and metal stampers as the RCA Hollywood plant.

If you look closely you can see an"A" is lightly etched next to the "H".

RCA Pressing Plant
Hollywood, CA

Type 2 Label


Type 2 Label
'Shorty Rogers' credit

RCA Pressing Plant
Indianapolis, IN

Type 2 Label


Type 3 Label


Type 4 Label
(Time On left side)
'Shorty Rogers' credit

A-side only mistake:
Screen Gems-Columbia Music
misspelled "Columbis"


Type 4 Label
(Time on right side)
'Shorty Rogers' credit

Corrected "Columbia"


RCA pressing plant
Rockaway, NJ

Type 1 Label


Type 2 Label


Type 3 Label


Type 3 Label
'Shorty Rogers' credit


Label Types Explained


RCA Pressing Plant
Hollywood, CA


RCA Pressing Plant
Indianapolis, IN

This was the last Colgems promo issued with a white label.
Starting with 66-1013 (Rich Little) they switched to a yellow label.


Blank Label


Sealed in a Bag

Sutton Records was a budget record label and distributer.
Here they repackaged this hit single for resale in a non-traditional
outlet such as a gas station or supermarket.


Store Hanger


Used on peg hooks for stores that lacked racks for display.
If you ever picked up a Colgems sleeve and wondered why
it had staple holes in it, this could be why.


Jukebox Sheet